Selected Publications in Mobile Devices

  1. Economides, A. A. & Grousopoulou, A. (2010) Mobiles in education: Students' usage, preferences and desires International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 235-252 Inderscience. ISSN (Online): 1746-7268, ISSN (Print): 1746-725X. [ARC/ERA = C (2010)] [View Article]

  2. Economides, A. A. & Grousopoulou, A. (2009). Students' thoughts about the importance and costs of their mobile devices' features and services. Telematics and Informatics. Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 57-84, Elsevier. ISSN: 0736-5853. ['C' journal in Australian Ranking of Journals (2009); SJR= 0.039 (2007); H-index= 9] [View Article]

  3. Economides, A. A. & Grousopoulou, A. (2008). Use of mobile phones by male and female Greek students. International Journal of Mobile Communications (IJMC), Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 729-749, Inderscience. ISSN (Online): 1741-5217, ISSN (Print): 1470-949X. [H-Index (based on Harzing's Publish or Perish software) = 22 (2003-2007); cites per paper = 7.02 (2003-07); SJR= 0.081 (2007); H-Index (based on Scopous) = 12 (2007); acceptance rate = 20%; 'C' journal in Australian Ranking of Journals (2009)]. [View Article]

  4. Economides, A. A. & Nikolaou, N. (2008). Evaluation of handheld devices for mobile learning. International Journal of Engineering Education (IJEE), Vol. 24, No. 1, January, pp. 3-13. ISSN (printed): 0949-149X, ISSN (electronic): 0742-0269. [Impact factor SCI= 0.228 (2004), 0.304 (2005), 0.355 (2006), 0.356 (2007), 'B' journal in ERIH list (2007); 'A' journal in Australian Ranking of Journals (2009); SJR= 0.041 (2007); H-index= 12] [View Article]