Network Strategies - Πηγές - Papers


Regulatory Issues

Standards Organizations

Network Economics

Internet Economics

Network Pricing

Telecommunications Deregulation



Competition, Strategies


Regulatory Issues

·         Νόμος 2672/1998. “Οικονομικοί πόροι της Νομαρχιακής Αυτοδιοίκησης και άλλες διατάξεις άρθρο 14: διακίνηση εγγράφων με ηλεκτρονικά μέσα (τηλεομοιοτυπία-ηλεκτρονικό ταχυδρομείο)”. ΦΕΚ 290 Ά/28 Δεκεμβρίου 1998.


·         Σχέδιο νόμου «Οργάνωση και λειτουργία των τηλεπικοινωνιών και άλλες διατάξεις». Αθήνα, 2000


·         The European Parliament And The Council Of The European Union. “Regulation Of The European Parliament And Of The Council On Unbundled Access To The Local Loop”. Informal Consolidated Text. 27 October 2000.


·         Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Innovation and Jobs in the Information Society of the 21st Century: Action Programme by the German Government


·         Banks, Jeffrey Theory, Experiment and the Federal Communications Commission Spectrum Auctions.


·         Bauer, Johannes M.. Competition As A Turbulent Process: Lessons for Telecommunications Regulatory Reform. Draft prepared for presentation at the 27th Telecommunications Policy Research Conference Alexandria, Virginia, September 25-27, 1999.


·         Cave, Martin and Luigi Prosperetti. “European Telecommunications Infrastructure”. Oxford Review Of Economic Policy vol17 no3 (2001): 416-4131.


·         Helm, Dieter. “The Assessment: European Networks-Competition, Interconnection and Regulation”. Oxford Review of Economic Policy  vol 17 no3 (2001): 297-312.


·         Horton, Richard. “Innovation And Regulatory Developments In Telecommunications”. Σε E-Generation 2002: Technology For Business Momentum


·         Pelkmans, Jacques. “Making EU Network Markets Competitive”. Oxford Review of Economic Policy vol 17 no3 (2001): 432-456.


·         Shaw, Robert. “Convergence and the Changing Role of Regulation”. Σε International Telecommunication Union Forum on Telecommunication Regulation in Africa, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 19 - 21 November 2002


·         Werbach, Kevin. “A Layered Model For Internet Policy”. Draft prepared for delivery at the 2000 TPRC. August 17, 2000.


·         “The European Regulatory Framework for the Telecommunication Sector: Main Issues and Current Trends”. Σε Liberalisation And Regulation In The Telecommunication Sector: Theory And Empirical Evidence, Athens: NTUA, 2001

Standards Organizations

Network Economics


·         Antonelli, Christiano. The Economics of Innovation: New Technologies and Structural Change. Dipartimento di economia Universita di Torino


·         Baake, Pio and Thorsten Wichmann. On the Economics of Internet Peering. 1998.


·         Economides, Nicholas. “Notes On Network Economics”. Stern School of Business.



·         FAA Telecommunications Infrastructure. Investment Analysis Report: Mission Need Statement # 322. July 13, 1999.Shy, Oz. The Economics of Network Industries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.


·         Horrigan, John B., Robert H. Wilson. Telecommunications Technologies and Urban Development: Strategies in U.S. Cities.


·         Goussiou, Lina. “The Economics of Competition in the Telecommunication Sector”. OTE-NTUA National Technical University of Athens, Athens, 2001


·         Gupta, Alok, Dale O. Stahl, and Andrew B. Whinston. “The Economics of Network Management”. Communications of the ACM. September 1999/Vol. 42, No. 9: 57-63.



·         MacKie-Mason, Jeffrey K.. Investment in Cable Broadband Infrastructure: Open Access is not an Obstacle, University of Michigan, 1999


·         NFO World Group. Monitoring Information Economics. 5th Factual Report. Munich: NFO World Group, 2002.

             Στοιχεία για την Οικονομία της Πληροφορίας στη Γερμανία.


·         Odlyzko, Andrew. “The Economics of the Internet: Utility, Utilization, Pricing, and Quality of Service”.  AT&T Labs – Research, 1998


·         Seongcheol, Kim, Barry Litman. “An Economic Analysis of the US Wireless Telephone Industry: Responses to New Technologies”. Telematics and Informatics 16 (1999) 27-44.


·         Shy, Oz. The Economics of Network Industries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.


·         Shy, Oz. The Economics of Network Industries. Graduate Lecture Notes. University of Haifa, 2000.

Internet Economics

·         Apostolopoulos, Theodore “Multiple Incentive Internet Pricing For NRNS: A Case Study Telecommunications Policy”.


·         Bartolic-Zlomislic, Silvia and A.W. (Tony) Bates. “Investing in Online Learning: Potential Benefits and Limitations”. Paper submitted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Communication. 3 June, 1999.


·         Cave, Martin and Robin Mason. “The Economics of the Internet: Infrastructure and Regulation”. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, vol 17 (2001) no2: 188-201.


·         Denton, Savage & Frieden. International Charging Arrangements for Internet Services (ICAIS) Data Gathering (Module 2). Final Report. 2000.


·         Filstrup, Burton. Internet Interconnection Agreements. Final Project Report SI646: Information Economics. Marshall VanAlstyne May 2, 2001


·         Graham, Andrew. “The Assessment: Economics of the Internet”.  Oxford Review of Economic Policy, vol 17 no2 (2001): 145-158.


·         MacKie-Mason, Jeffrey K. and Hal R. Varian. Economic FAQs About the Internet,1996.



·         Plattner, Bernhard, Burkhard Stiller and Torsten Braun. “CATI: Charging and Accounting Technology for the Internet – CAPIV and MEDeB – ”


·         Singh, R.. A Comparative Evaluation of Internet Pricing Models: Smart Markets and Dynamic Capacity Contracting

Network Pricing

·         Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Fifth Report on the Implementation of the Telecommunications Regulatory Package 1999


·         Deloitte & Touche. How competitive are BT Residential Telephone Tariffs?: A Review of BT’s Latest Comparison of Residential Telecom Service Provider Bills. London: Deloitte & Touche, 1 June 2001.


·         Europe Economics. Study on the Preparation of an Adaptable Bottom-Up Costing Model for Interconnection and Access Pricing in European Union Countries. Final Report for Information Society Directorate-General of the European Commission. April 2000.


·         Hansen, Bjorn and Eric N.Vdal. Competition in the Internet and Dynamic Pricing by ECN Marks, 2000.


·         Kenyon, Chris, Giorgos Cheliotis. “Stochastic Models for Telecom Commodity Prices”. Computer Networks 36 (2001): 533-555.

Telecommunications Deregulation

·         Piragibe, Clelia. “Competition and Globalization: Brazilian Telecommunications Policy at Crossroads”. Preliminary Version of a paper to be presented at TPRC 29th Conference October 27-29, 2001 - Alexandria, Virginia, USA.



·         BDRC Ltd. The Development of Broadband Access Platforms in Europe: Technologies, Services, Markets. Full Report. August 2001


·         Office of the e-Envoy. Broadband Strategy. London: Office of the e-Envoy, 3rd December 2001


·         Wanichkorn, Kanchana, Marvin Sirbu. The Role of Fixed Wireless Access Networks in the Deployment of Broadband Services and Competition in Local Telecommunications Markets: An Engineering, Economic, and Public Policy Analysis. Pittsburgh: Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, 2002


·         Zhang, Bing. “Understanding the Impact of Convergence on Broadband Industry Regulation: a Case Study of the United States”. Telematics and Informatics 19 (2002): 37-59.  




·         Extended Systems. Developing an IT Strategy for Mobile Devices. White Paper Overview.


·         Rice, John L. , Mark A. Shadur. The Mobile Telephone Cluster In The Nordic Countries: Policies To Foster Innovation And Success Through Provider Competition And Knowledge Alliance Development.


·         Salkintzis, Apostolis K. “A Survey Of Mobile Data Networks”. IEEE Communications Surveys. Third Quarter 1999, vol. 2 no. 3


Competition, Strategies

·         Bauer, Johannes M.. Competition As A Turbulent Process: Lessons for Telecommunications Regulatory Reform. Draft prepared for presentation at the 27th Telecommunications Policy Research Conference Alexandria, Virginia, September 25-27, 1999.


·         Cannon, Robert. Where Internet Service Providers and Telephone Companies Compete: A Guide to the Computer Inquiries, Enhanced Service Providers and Information Service Providers. Draft. χ.τ: Office of Plans and Policy Federal Communications Commission, 2003.


·         Cave, Martin and Luigi Prosperetti. “European Telecommunications Infrastructure”. Oxford Review Of Economic Policy vol17 no3 (2001): 416-4131.


·         Helm, Dieter. “The Assessment: European Networks-Competition, Interconnection and Regulation”. Oxford Review of Economic Policy  vol 17 no3 (2001): 297-312.


·         Horton, Richard. “Innovation and Regulatory Developments in Telecommunications”. Σε e-generation 2002: technology for business momentum


·         McBurney, Peter, Simon Parsons and Jeremy Green. “Forecasting Market Demand for New Telecommunications Services: an Introduction”. Telematics and Informatics 19 (2002): 225–249.


·         Nigam, Anjali, Azit Nigam. “ “Pull Policy” for Growth of Telecommunications in Rural Areas- a Case Study of Indian Telecom”.


·         Pelkmans, Jacques. “Making EU Network Markets Competitive”. Oxford Review of Economic Policy vol 17 no3 (2001): 432-456.


·         Shapiro, Carl. Competition Policy In The Information Economy. Berkeley: University of California at Berkeley, 1999.


·         Wierstra, Erik, Gabriele Kulenkampff and Hans Schaffers. A Framework for Analysing Strategies of Internet Service Providers”. Netnomics 3: 35–65, 2001


·         Wierstra, Erik INTESP: A Framework for Developing Successful Business Strategies for Internet Service Providers.  Enschede: Telematica Instituut, 1999


Strategy in the United Kingdom

·         Modern Markets - Getting the Framework Right. Summary.

·         Office of the e-Envoy. Broadband Strategy. London: Office of the e-Envoy, 3rd December 2001

·         Cabinet Office. Electronic Government Services for the 21st Century. A Performance And Innovation Unit Report. London: Cabinet Office, September 2000.











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